Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Bhagavatam introduction


From this post I am posting the complete story of bhagavatam, a divine book which was written by veda vyas.
            The people who listened these  bhagavatam stories helps in activating their souls towards the god. The principles and philosophies of this book helps the people to live in a righteous way.

        I will discuss the complete story written in this great book of Hindus. In this world, the bhagavatam was first preached in naimisha aranyam.

          Long back ago, in Naimisha Aranya there were 11,000 rishis named SHAUNKADI MAHARSHIS. They performed a yagnam ( the spiritual fire welcoming gods to accept their requests.) called Satra yagam for 100 years. Then there arrived a maharshi named Romaharsha or sutha muni to keep far away the stress of Shaunkadi maharshis while performing the Satra yagam by telling the divine stories of the ultimate god.

             Romaharsha maharshi is a disciple of veda vyas. He learnt 4 Vedas, 18 puranas, 2 ithihas and 108 Upanishads and started preaching all these divine knowledge to different people and enlightening the nation. He also preached the same things in this Satra yagam to Shaunkadi maharshis. In this bhagavatam puranam there are 12 chapters called '12 skandas'.

              In later post, I will discuss the first part of the story.

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Bhagavatam skanda 1 part-6

                     END OF SKANDA - 1.          ( This blog is continuation of blog      Bhagavatam skanda 1 part-5 .)         Shuka mun...