Sunday, June 14, 2020

Bhagavatam skanda 1 part-4

               Story of Parikshit ( part-2 )
          ( This blog is continuation of blog Bhagavatam skanda 1 part-3.)

             Pandavas ruled the kingdom for 36 years. Later due to the tsunami, the Dwaraka Kingdom of lord Krishna was merged in underwater. Sri Krishna also ended up his incarnation and went to vaikuntha ( place of lord Vishnu). After knowing this, Pandavas decided to leave the kingdom. They made Parikshit as new king to the Hastinapur and went to Himalayas. Soon they also left the world and went to svarga lok ( heaven/ god Indra's court). Then ruling of PARIKSHIT is started.

                He ruled the kingdom in such a way that as the yudhishthira ruled. Parikshit ruling is satisfying the needs of his kingdom's people. All maharshis are praising the Parikshit's rule. He was married to his uncle's ( uttara kumara ) daughter Iravathi. They gave birth to four sons namely Janamejaya, bhimasena, ugrasena, sruthasena. By doing a prosperous ruling in kingdom, Parikshit started Ashwamedha yagna in the presence of their clan's guru "kripacharya".  In a Vijaya Yatra,( a victory program or procession done by the emperors) he saw a strange incident. That is Parikshit saw a buffalo with one leg and besides a weeping cow. Here the buffalo with one leg is dharma devatha ( the god of righteousness) and weeping cow is bhoomatha ( the world). They transformed into those animals and continuing their conversation as: 

    Buffalo: why are you crying world ( cow
                    i.e bhoomatha) ?
     Cow    :  I am crying for the death of
                    Lord Krishna who gave up his
                    form. He is lord Vishnu's
                    incarnation came to my land
                    to save me from Adharma
                    done by people.

As their conversation was going, there came a person who is in king's clothes but with dusty and black face with a cruel sight in his eyes. He came to that single legged buffalo and started beating it with a long and strong stick. He is none other than  kalipurusha(ruler of the Kaliyuga).

His nature is so wicked. He always trouble the earth and becomes a enemy to the righteous people. Soon Parikshit noticed Kali and started a war with him by his tremendous sword. Kali slowly lost in the battle with Parikshit. Parikshit was about to cut the Kali's neck but he soon fell on his feet and begged his pardon to leave him. As per the kshatriya rules, a person who accepted his defeat, will be left by not harming them. Same as Parikshit did, but on one condition that to leave kali from his kingdom. But as per the creation rules, the Parikshit ruling is happening in Kaliyuga ( the fourth yuga according to Hindu scriptures.) So the ruler of that yuga is kali. Understanding this matter, Parikshit ordered to kali that he was permitted to live in only 5 places of his kingdom they are: violence done places, whore's places, drinking alcohol places, gambling places and in the golden objects. As per the Parikshit's order, kali went into those places. But firstly he went into the golden objects i.e Parikshit's ornaments because kali want to end up his story to satisfy his revenge of defeat. He entered to Parikshit's crown and slowly started to control his thoughts.

       ( In latter blog, we will discuss the junk done by kali to Parikshit.)

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Bhagavatam skanda 1 part-6

                     END OF SKANDA - 1.          ( This blog is continuation of blog      Bhagavatam skanda 1 part-5 .)         Shuka mun...