Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Bhagavatam skanda 1 part-5

                Story of PARIKSHIT (part-3)    
         ( This blog is continuation of blog
           Bhagavatam skanda 1 part-4.)
          In this blog we will discuss about what made Parikshit to listen Bhagavatam.

          After the entry of kali to Parikshit's crown, he started controlling his mind with his enormous power. Soon Parikshit got the idea of hunting in the forest. Actually king Parikshit always avoids the act of hunting because he thinks hunting is a cruel act towards animals. But due to Kali's influence on his brain, Parikshit went to forest for hunting. After spending so many hours in forest, he didn't find a single animal to hunt. Soon he lost his temper and started to go deep in the forest, eventually he moved far away from his bodyguards. He went to the Deep forest. There Parikshit became so tired and his appetite has increased. Then he found a Rishi's ashram ( hermitage of sage samika). Parikshit gone through the samika's hermitage and asked for some water to drink. But there were no people in the hermitage. Only samika muni is doing meditation under a tree. So sage samika didn't recognised the arrival of king Parikshit. And he failed to arrange the water for him. Parikshit looked at peacefully meditating samika and felt disgusted because samika didn't gave the respect to a king like him. Parikshit was full of arrogance, pride, anger because of Kali's influence. Then Parikshit took his sword and moved towards sage samika and lift his sword to cut the samika's throat. But Parikshit thought of killing sage is a biggest sin. So he aborted the plan of killing and he thought to humiliate the sage samika. So he looked around the hermitage and found a dead snake. Parikshit picked up the dead snake and he rounded up on sage samika's neck. Then Parikshit left from that place. After some time sage samika's son sage srungi came to the hermitage and saw the dead snake around his father's neck. Soon srungi came near to his father and removed the dead snake from his neck. He felt so humiliated because an unknown person put a dead snake on his father's neck. Then he gave a curse to the Parikshit that who ever done this act towards my father will be dead by the 7 days from this day by the snake Takshaka's poison bite. After completing the meditation, sage samika came to his senses and known about the curse gave by his son. Soon by his penance powers, sage samika known the whole scenario done by PARIKSHIT to him, his son's curse. Then sage samika scolded his son for not controlling his temper because a sage should always control his anger. Now due to srungi's anger Parikshit got a curse and he was about die in 7 days. If a king dies suddenly the whole kingdom will be in crisis. So that's why sage samika councelled his son srungi.

Then sage samika sent one of his disciples to Parikshit to say about his son's curse gave to him. A samika's disciple went to king Parikshit's court and said about the whole scenario done at the samika's hermitage and the curse given by srungi. At that time, king Parikshit removed his crown where was kali was in. So there is no influence of kali on Parikshit's mind. Parikshit felt regret for what he done to sage samika and happily accepted the srungi's curse. He was completely ready for death. So he left his king's throne and gave to his elder son Janamejaya. King Parikshit left his all jewelry, costly clothes and palace. Parikshit went to river Ganga. And performing atonement for his sins. But due to the fear of death in 7 days, he couldn't concentrate on god. At that time, there arrived a lot of rushis named vyasa, Agastya, vishwamitra, vasista, ashtavakra, Kashyap, brughu, narada, etc.. All the sages adviced Parikshit to listen Bhagavatam, so he can concentrate on supreme lord. But Parikshit got a doubt that who will preach him Bhagavatam. So all the sages requested shuka muni ( son of vyasa.) to preach Bhagavatam to Parikshit. Shuka muni accepted the sages request and started to preach the Bhagavatam to Parikshit.

            This is how PARIKSHIT listened Bhagavatam from shuka maharshi.

              In latter blogs we will discuss about the preaches given by shuka maharshi to Parikshit on Bhagavatam.

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Bhagavatam skanda 1 part-6

                     END OF SKANDA - 1.          ( This blog is continuation of blog      Bhagavatam skanda 1 part-5 .)         Shuka mun...