Sunday, May 31, 2020

Bhagavatam skanda 1 part-1

Why vyasa written BHAGAVATAM?

       (In this post we will discuss the continuation from bhagavatam introduction post.)
            Now, Romaharsha maharshi is narrating the bhagavatam's 1st skanda to Shaunkadi maharshis. Long ago, once vyasa's heart is filled of dissatisfaction but he doesn't have any knowledge about it. Then the devarshi Narada muni came to visit veda vyas and noticed his dissatisfaction. Then Narada muni said " oh maharshi vyas, you should be most happiest person in this world because you divided the Vedas into 4 divisions and written the greatest epic Mahabharata. But you are in a depressed mode. Can I  know why ? ". Vyasa replied " hey maharshi I have written the greatest epic Mahabharata but my heart is filled up of depression, because I have a question in my mind that , do I left the Mahabharata incomplete ? But I can't understand that what I was missed in that story. So could u please help me out in finding that missing part ? " Narada replied" surely I will help you out and my purpose of this visit is to give the information of that missing story. "  Then a smile was appeared in the face of vyasa. 

             Narada said " oh! Great sage u have written the greatest epic Mahabharata and it's story of bloodshed  between the brothers Pandavas and Kauravas for the sake of kingdom. But you forget about the story, philosophy, kindness, existence, the purpose of his incarnation of lord sri krishna. You only described the story of his participation in the Mahabharata but u haven't explained about his soul, power, strength and purpose. So u ready to write another book based on the bhagavan( god ) Sri Krishna that is lord Vishnu and his incarnations to save the man kind and name it as bhagavata purana. "

        Vyasa replied that whatever narada said was right that I forgot to write story of the supreme lord. Then he asked narada muni respectfully about how to write the Bhagavatam? Narada replied that first of all, you meditate for lord Vishnu and he will guide you towards the Bhagavatam. Vyasa done what Narada was said, he performed meditation to vishnu in ashtanga yoga procedure. Due to his sincere work he acquired the knowledge of lord Vishnu incarnations and it's philosophies.
         Then vyas written the spiritual book named as BHAGAVATAM.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Bhagavatam introduction


From this post I am posting the complete story of bhagavatam, a divine book which was written by veda vyas.
            The people who listened these  bhagavatam stories helps in activating their souls towards the god. The principles and philosophies of this book helps the people to live in a righteous way.

        I will discuss the complete story written in this great book of Hindus. In this world, the bhagavatam was first preached in naimisha aranyam.

          Long back ago, in Naimisha Aranya there were 11,000 rishis named SHAUNKADI MAHARSHIS. They performed a yagnam ( the spiritual fire welcoming gods to accept their requests.) called Satra yagam for 100 years. Then there arrived a maharshi named Romaharsha or sutha muni to keep far away the stress of Shaunkadi maharshis while performing the Satra yagam by telling the divine stories of the ultimate god.

             Romaharsha maharshi is a disciple of veda vyas. He learnt 4 Vedas, 18 puranas, 2 ithihas and 108 Upanishads and started preaching all these divine knowledge to different people and enlightening the nation. He also preached the same things in this Satra yagam to Shaunkadi maharshis. In this bhagavatam puranam there are 12 chapters called '12 skandas'.

              In later post, I will discuss the first part of the story.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Bhagavata puranam

       In my blog called A-Zproknowledge, I will discuss many facts and news in current world but we should also know about our ancient scriptures which have a deeper meaning. One should have the responsibility in knowing the ancient scriptures called puranas.

        I will discuss one of the prominent purana named bhagavatam as of my responsibility. Also I don't discuss longest poems in a bhoring lectures way. I will discuss this purana in very simple manner to understand everyone in simple English language.

       So follow my posts and know about the stories of bhagavatam.

                                Thank you

Bhagavatam skanda 1 part-6

                     END OF SKANDA - 1.          ( This blog is continuation of blog      Bhagavatam skanda 1 part-5 .)         Shuka mun...